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  • Publicada em 26/07/2024
  • v2663964
  • Seja uma das primeiras pessoas a se candidatar!

Administrative Analyst (Sales Team) - Pcd


Júnior/ Trainee
Que pena, esta vaga está indisponível. As inscrições estão encerradas.
  • Ícone de salário
    Faixa salarial a combinar
  • Ícone de localização
    Rio de Janeiro
  • Ícone de modelo de contratação
    Regime CLT
  • Assistência médica Assistência médica
  • Assistência odontológica Assistência odontológica
  • Auxílio academia Auxílio academia
  • Previdência privada Previdência privada
  • Seguro de vida Seguro de vida
  • Vale-alimentação Vale-alimentação
  • Vale-refeição Vale-refeição
  • Vale-transporte Vale-transporte


We are now looking for an Administrative Analyst to join our customer's sales team. In this position, you will support Account Managers and General Manager of Marine business, and the location of the position is in Rio de Janeiro/RJ, Brazil.

Main activities:

  • Maintaining up-to-date internal documentation (certificates, registrations, etc.)
  • Preparing information for registering the company with clients as a supplier
  • Supporting the organization of internal and external events
  • Assisting in the reception of employees from other countries traveling in Brazil
  • Contribute market inputs that can improve the business


Inglês - Nível Intermediário

Outros requisitos:


  • Completed bachelor’s degree
  • Intermediate English (written e read)
  • Knowledge in Office (Excel, PPT, Outlook and Word)
  • Systems friendly
  • Spanish will be a plus
  • Experience in activities related to those described above


  • Organization
  • Attentive and detail-oriented
  • Communicative
  • Self-management