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5 vagas de emprego para pessoa com deficiencia exclusiva para PCD

  • Analista Sustentação a Aplicação Sênior - Aps

    Sênior - 2 vagas

    Conhecimentos em plataformas ITIL (Service Now, Remedy etc) - Desejável;Conhecimentos básicos em ambiente Unix like

    São Paulo / SP 19/04/2024
  • SP | Consultor de Atendimento | Sac Mídias Sociais Trilíngue

    Auxiliar/Operacional - 50 vagas

    day (6x1). 1 Day/week (It may be any day of the week)Profile: Experience in customer service and who likes awareness, as the Well-Being Week and actions to promote social bound and interactions among employees like In the physical health pillar, we promote initiatives like TP Cup, Game Championship, Running Group,

    São Paulo / SP Há 7 dias
  • Publicidade
  • SP | Consultor de Atendimento | Digital Platform Bilíngue Inglês

    Auxiliar/Operacional - 50 vagas

    Do you like browsing social media?Do you like watching influencer videos?

    São Paulo / SP 17/06/2024
  • certificates)• On customer request, handle special equipment return requests• Handle import documents like

    Santos / SP Há 6 dias
  • SP | Suporte Pós-Venda Ads Bilíngue Espanhol e Inglês

    Auxiliar/Operacional - 50 vagas

    day (6x1). 1 Day/week (It may be any day of the week)Profile: Experience in customer service and who likes awareness, as the Well-Being Week and actions to promote social bound and interactions among employees like In the physical health pillar, we promote initiatives like TP Cup, Game Championship, Running Group,

    São Paulo / SP Há 7 dias